Giving Birth to Good Vibrations - Magic Hour

Giving Birth to Good Vibrations

Posted by Bold Commerce Collaborator on

The blessing of each new day is that it presents us with a fresh opportunity to rebirth. A daily renewal sets the tone for the rest of the day - and, indeed, the rest of our lives. It is empowering to know that we get to choose how we'd like to feel, and it is essential that we make that choice from the space of possibility. This way, we open ourselves up to the path that best matches our soul signatures, and we become available to serve the world in the beautiful, unique ways we each have to offer.

Zhena Muzyka, mistress of ceremonies, tea alchemist, and mastermind behind Magic Hour is this month’s featured Magician, and she has curated this month's box to help you operate from the most heart-centered, highly vibrational space available to you. The Love & Intimacy Box with Raspberry Earl White box inspires both a sensuous allure and a call from the soul to level up in our personal journeys of transformation.

Elevating Your Vibration

The Law of Attraction dictates that the vibrational frequency you exude matches the vibrational frequency that returns to you. As self-love guru, Louise Hay so eloquently puts it, “Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today, I choose to give love.”

This month’s box is a call to align your vibration with your soul’s deepest desires.

But the question remains - how do you choose your vibration? Within this box lies an invaluable tool to help you process where you’re at, and where you want to be: The Vibration of Possibility Chart.

Using this chart that was adapted from David Hawkin’s paradigm-shifting book, Power vs. Force, you can assess the vibration you’re currently emitting. It is broken down into the polar states of limitation and magic, with courage as the equilibrium. Vibrational states within these categories range from shame to enlightenment, with shame as the lowest possible vibration you can experience, and enlightenment as the very highest.

The Rebirth box contains a video in which Zhena gracefully shows you how to effectively use the chart and recognize these vibrations.

And, the chart is truly stunning to look at with its otherworldly array of colors. You will want to hang it by your desk or in your bedroom as a daily reminder of what’s possible.

A Tea of Possibility

Raspberry Earl Grey was hand-selected for this month's box by Zhena, as it contains rich Sicilian bergamot - a natural antidepressant. This botanical medicine naturally raises your vibration, such that your inner work flows more effortlessly.

Create a ritual of sipping a delectable cup of Raspberry Earl Grey first thing in the morning as a delightful complement to stepping into your chosen vibration for the day.

By the time you’ve finished your tea, the bright raspberries will have reconstituted so that you may eat them mindfully as a snack that inspires succulent pleasure.

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