Creating Ceremonies of Connection Through Tea - Magic Hour

Creating Ceremonies of Connection Through Tea

Posted by Magic Hour Teas on

Magic Hour was born from the brilliance of tea ceremony. This sacred ceremonial practice is a way to reconnect with our innate wisdom, as well as the wisdom of the Divine, and the cosmos. It reminds our subconscious of the flow of life, aligned and intentional. As the tea transforms before our very eyes, we are also reminded of the transformation we undergo every day, every hour, and every moment. Dry leaves are steeped and unfurl in the hot water, imparting their qualities of where and how they were grown, nurtured by rain or stressed by drought, scented by the trees and flowers around them, their character developed by care and altitude, air and earth, by the hands of humans across the world. 

Tea is a manifestation of reverence, our natural state of awe and wonder. It fills us with gratitude, for the gifts and abundance both within and around us. It slows our nervous system, eases the chatter of the mind, and grounds us into our true selves. Tea, and tea ceremony is a sanctuary; a blessedly safe space to practice self-care. It has been used to soothe, heal and remind humans for thousands of years to sit, observe, become present and breathe the sacred into our lungs, as the gift of life breathes us in return. It has been used to invoke consciousness into any matter. It facilitates forgiveness between enemies, and compassion between friends like no other ritual can bring about. Tea ceremony reminds us of the pure miracle existence is, and that we are. It reminds us to welcome all that is.

To create your own tea ceremony, and cultivate ceremonies of sacred intention into your everyday life, here are some of our favorite invitations and invocations to begin. Invite yourself to explore your personal style, play, change things up based on your mood in the moment, and celebrate the flow of each new ceremony. You can also share these practices with someone you love, or enjoy them on your own:

  • Allow the mystical hours of Dawn and Dusk (or the phases of morning and evening) to encourage your setting an intention for the beginning and ending of your day.
  • Create a tea tray to serve yourself on. This can include:
    • A tray or serving platter - select anything that you love, as long as it can be your blank slate, or “tabula rasa”
    • A scarf, linen or sacred cloth to line your tray with
    • Fresh flowers or herbs, from your garden or local market in an arrangement
    • Beautiful cups and/or saucers to serve and sip from
    • Your teapot and strainer of choice for steeping and pouring
    • Your select tea blend of the moment
    • Any milk or sweetener as desired, including a small jar or spoon for serving
    • You can also create an altar or another sacred space where you can sip on your tray with intention, include a journal, a companion book to read, elements from nature that speak to you such as a shell or feather, add some tarot cards, candles, incense or essential oils, or simply relish your tea on its own with loving kindness
  • Begin to steep your favorite cup with your chosen blend. As you warm the water, imagine the waters of your heart filling with warmth. As you pour the water over the tea leaves, envision the cleansing of your spirit, and the purifying waters of the earth flowing freely. As you steep your tea, imagine all your greatest dreams and visions steeping, waiting to bloom and flourish. 
  • Before you sip, take three deep breaths into your heart. With the first breath, fill the breadth of your cup with the energy from your heart chakra. With the second breath, sill the space with that same, loving energy. And with your third breath, fill the house, the neighborhood and out into the universe with your overflowing love.
  • As you sit and sip, ask yourself five sensory questions: 
    • 1. What do I see? 
    • 2. What do I hear?
    • 3. What do I feel?
    • 4. What do I smell?
    • 5. What do I taste?

This practice can truly be enjoyed anywhere that you can carve out some spaciousness for your spirit. It can be experienced daily, or multiple times a day, as often as you choose. Let it be a way to center yourself, awaken your awareness, encourage more of your mindfulness, and evoke more gratitude, joy, peace and magic within you.

We hope you enjoy this practice and make it a regular part of your life. We promise you’ll notice a difference in how you feel and embody your fullest, truest, most aligned and radiant self. 

Watch as Zhena guides you through creating your own Tea Tray, to enhance the sacred ritual of Tea in your daily life.

Cheers to your Magic Hour.

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